Sunday, August 29, 2010

6) Selfish Weekends

Hello, hello everyone! It's Josh here!
Newbies: Jello!
Returns: Many happy ones too you as well!

Since the weekend is basically over, I thought this would be a fitting post (plus, I'm stalling on my Stats homework).

This weekend I was bad (not really, but you know what I'm saying)...

I didn't exercise (again).
I didn't go to the dining hall (except for tonight because I ran out of graham crackers and Tostitos).
I didn't start my homework right away (not that I ever do, but come on it's a new academic year!).
I didn't do anything.

And it felt... Fabulous!
Sometimes, you just got to be still.

Go ahead! Be a bum! Pull out your sweats, take off your wig, and let your gut hang out! It's the weekend, baby and quite frankly... you deserve it!

So, I know what my favorite weekend consists of:
                         1) Doing nothing (except for eating & marathon tv watching)
unless it's related to...
                         2) Having an outlet for creative expression (i.e-blogging, music videos, photo shoots)

For me, the weekday is primarily comprised of academic and administrative responsibilities. As a result, the weekend is my chance to recollect myself and recharge (or in some cases) exercise my "creative battery." So I ask you...

Arêteen Reader Question #2: What's your favorite way to spend a weekend? How do you get back to yourself?

Let me know! Until next time, spread the word and...

"Live Excellently," Arêteens!


Take time for yourself everyday and you'll always feel better. We all need a little time to be self-ish. - Arêteen 

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