Thursday, May 19, 2011

Jobs & Housing!

Yello Areteens!

Photo taken on the set of my "Edge of Glory" music video during finals week at Kenyon.
The battle for summer jobs and housing has been ongoing for some time now.
Some began their marathon way back in November of 2010 if not earlier depending on how competitive or specialized a sector they were entering, while most seem to hunt between December and February.
Others, search from March to May and after May, you can pretty much forget finding a full-time summer job, or at least finding a steady summer job that you can make a decent-sized summer earning from. Still, there are always exceptions.

As for me, I have a few interviews that I am waiting to hear positive news from, while very much on the search for affordable ($500 or less) housing in or around the city. Fingers crossed on one hand and email refreshed with the other, right?

How's your summer hunt going? Has the search blessed you with any finding or are you still digging? Have you stopped running to take a water break or have you won the war? Let me know, Areteens! We must "Live Excellently" -Josh :)

Edge of Glory Music Video!

Jello Areteens!

If you haven't been able to keep up with Gaga's rule in the Creative Arts landscape, her new song, "Edge of Glory" is the 3rd official single from her highly-awaited 2nd LP, Born This Way.

In true Mother Monster (high) fashion, Gaga (& her unseen Haus team) have initiated yet another rallying of the monster's internet campaign in calling for video submissions of fans performing to "Edge of Glory".

While I love the song (and Gaga's catalog thus far), I typically do not bother with fan-mass related projects. They always seem predetermined or required high connections to even consider a win. That said, I did receive an email during my final exams week, before Gaga herself had even posted about it, so I thought, why not?!

With limited time and just enough energy, I managed to shoot and construct an edited version of the (rather long) song for the contest.  Here's my 2-minute ode to Carrie Bradshaw and all women who love finding a fabulous pair of shoes!

Edge of Glory Video (Edit)

Share with friends & check out my other music videos! "Live Excellently"

-Josh :)

ANTM Cycle 16 Winner: Brittani Kline!

Yay Areteens! Brittani Kline (officially) won Cycle 16 of America's Next Top Model! 

Behind-the-scenes with Brittani Fierce. Oof!

While Molly may have been that much stronger in photographs and certainly provided true competition, Brittani's fierce walk, long neck, uniquely (not so) asymmetrical face, undeniable drive and engaging personality secured her the top position! A victory awarded despite photo shoot tears, a Tyra-induced anxiety attack and the serious (yet hilarious) tumble on Ms. Vivienne Westwood's runway.

What do you think of the panel's decision? Was Brittani the right choice or did Molly deserve it?
For those ANTM die-hards, how do you feel about the show's high fashion shift, Cycle 14-present?
(Personally, I love it!) Whatever the case...

"Live Excellently"

-Josh :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ANTM Obsessed! The Cycles of High Fashion: 14, 15, 16

Hello, hello Areteens!
Who Won America's Next Top Model Ann Ward winner
Cycle 15 winner the Fabulous & Undeniable Ann Ward!

Okay, I must admit, despite rarely watching reality television, but I have been on a Major America's Next Top Model binge this past week!
As such, it had been a while since the epic heyday of Cycles 6-8 (Danielle Evans, CariDee English, & Jaslene Gonzalez). Cycle 10 (with winner Whitney Thompson) was the last cycle I had seen since returning with Cycle 16. But honey.... it was well worth the wait! Time & humor allowed for my return to the series.

First, it had been a long time since keeping up with Ms. Tyra Banks and the Top Models-to-be, so there was a heightened level of curiosity as to how they managed to continue cranking out cycles and just how memorable those cycles would be. Secondly, I had seen a news posting about Ms. Banks season premiere for the brand new, uber high fashion Cycle 16. After watching the first few minutes of the season I knew I was hooked! The show hadn't seemed this fresh and fun to me since it's aforementioned heyday. Also, it showed that Ms. Banks could still deliver. For real! Absolute hilarity ensued over her embodiment of a few of the shows model casting archetypes and brought me back to why I loved her and the show in the first place. Plus, it was just the right amount of post-modern, self-knowing, meta-ness that encapsulates the current times.

Now keeping up with Cycle 16, I became interested in the previous two seasons by way of their respective winners. I saw Ann Ward's Covergirl picture over and over in this latest season and was so mesmerized that I decided to go back a season and see what the fuss could be... Honey! Ann Ward just may be my favorite model/winner/contestant of the series so far-and that means a lot. Her photos are breathtaking and I watched the episodes of her coming out on top again and again and again. Naturally, I couldn't stop there, not after seeing Krista White appear at the end of Cycle 15-absolutely stunning!
Having watched Cycles 14-16, I not promising to go back and catch up on Cycles 11-13, but here's what I think of where ANTM is now:

One of my favorites of Ann! Her 3rd consecutive #1 on the show. Photo credit: Matthew Ralston.
Making the definite choice of high fashion as the benchmark for the model's performance has given the show a whole new focus. Before, there was a bit more sense of 'luck of the draw' to the winners. Sometimes it was personality that tipped the scales, other times it was bone structure and high fashion potential, and still other times it came down to the truth of who hadn't won in the show yet (full-figured, African-American, Latina, petite, etc.).
This is not completely the case as strong photos and runway walk do too matter, but with high fashion as the new and definite benchmark via spreads in Vogue Italia, everything becomes framed in that context. The models photos, walk, personality, commercialism and professionalism (standards looked at in this past) now must carry the weight of high fashion potential... and it's fabulous!

Congrats to the entire show staff, seen and unseen, for making these past three cycles oh so haute!
Commendations to the models for working their hardest under such pressure!
A special shout-out and gratitude to Andre Leon Talley, Franca Sozzani and the uber-talented guests from the fashion industry for agreeing to be part of a reality television show that is really trying to offer much more than mindless fodder for the primetime evening. Here's to enjoying the rest of Cycle 16 and hopefully future cycles as well!

No dreck dahhling, just Vogue! "Live Excellently" -J:)

B'day Sickness

Hello, hello Areteens!
I know it's been too long, but life has that effect sometimes.
I recently became very sick as my birthday (4/12) was one week away.
I feel much better now, though I'm still tired. As such, I wanted to know how you deal with being sick?
For me the first week was terrible & it felt like a predatorial death, however, I survived.
Some people hate being sick & deal with it by pushing through, going about their business as if nothing's wrong. I call them, 'the aggressors'. While, others use it as an opportunity to get much needed rest. Thus, I consider them to be 'the nurturers'. Still, others fall somewhere in the middle, frustrated over the undeniable sickness that has befallen them, yet unable to push through as is their liking. I call them 'the acquiescents'. Where do you fall? Personally, I tend to be in the 3rd catergory. Best believe, I pulled it together for my birthday dinner! Here's a pic:

More posts soon! I promise! Do enjoy April for me, as it is my birthday month! 
               "Live Excellently" -J:)